PIPE Comprehensive E-Training


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The PIPE Comprehensive E-Training is for new PIPE users and PIPE users that want to expand their knowledge and increase their PIPE skills. This training is an interactive, experiential training that supports parenting educators in using the PIPE curriculum with parents.

As a result of this training, the participants will…

  • Become familiar with the foundations and philosophy used in the PIPE curriculum
  • Value the need for partnering with a parent
  • Understand how PIPE is based on emotional and brain development research
  • Become aware of how the PIPE curriculum is formatted
  • Identify how the core emotional development concepts relate to parenting
  • Understand how the four step instructional model is used to share parenting information and why
  • Explore the key concepts in the Listen, Love, and Play units
  • Understand the power of shared positive and negative emotions
  • Practice and value the use of interactive instructional strategies
  • Practice scripting for a PIPE session
  • Practice using the PIPE curriculum to plan, present, and evaluate an instructional session.

You Will Need:

      • A PIPE Curriculum Package
          • Educator’s Guide
          • Parent Handouts Notebook
          • Activity Cards
      • A Google Email account/access to Google drive to upload videos. 
      • Ability to record videos
      • A friend, colleague, or parent with a young child to practice with and do a final role play. 
      • Doll or stuffed animal Materials to create a collage
      • Pictures of Parents with their small children
      • Adobe Reader for editable worksheets
      • Ability to download and upload files.
      • A minimum of 40 hours to complete the 8-week training. Each module has  due dates. Participants can complete the class early if they chose. 
  • Agenda
  • Module 1: Welcome
  • Module 2: PIPE Foundations: Part One
  • Module 3: PIPE Foundations: Part Two 
  • Module 4: The PIPE Curriculum
  • Module 5: The PIPE Instructional Model
  • Module 6: Emotional Development
  • Module 7: Overview of “Love is Layers of Sharing”
  • Module 8: Overview of “Listen, Listen, Listen”
  • Module 9: Overview of “Playing is Learning”
  • Module 10: Step Two: Demonstration 
  • Module 11: Step Three: Parent-Child Interactions 
  • Module 12: Step Four: Evaluation (Reflection and Feedback)
  • Module 13: Planning & Practicing a PIPE Session (role play video) 
  • Module 14: Closure

Each session is eight weeks with built in due dates.

Additional information

Session and Dates

Aug. 5 – Sept. 29, 2024, Sept. 9 – Nov. 3, 2024, Oct. 7 – Dec, 1, 2024, Oct. 21-Dec. 15, 2024, January 6 – March 2, 2025, February 3 – March 30, 2025, March 3 – April 27, 2025, March 31 – May 25, 2025, April 28 – June 22, 2025, June 2 – July 27, 2025, June 23 – Aug 17, 2025, July 21 – September 14, 2025, August 18 – October 12, 2025, September 15 – Nov 9, 2025, October 6 – Dec 7, 2025

Curriculum Options

None, PIPE Educators Guide, PIPE Curriculum Package

Curriculum Language

None, English, Spanish

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